The Cutebot Calendar

The Gang

Chris (he/him) is green. The most amiable and perhaps inscrutable member of the Gang. All elements held in perfect balance, it is rare to find Chris out of sorts in any way. Lives with Copique in a comfy house with many couches.

Copique (he/they) is orange and is easily irritated, however they appreciate when others use action as their means of expression, and they have a particular fondness for Sointu. Lives with Chris.

Elan (they/them) is blue and full of moxy. The newest member of the Gang, they are the embodiment of impulsive energies. Emerged from a hole in the ground and now lives on an inflatable mattress floating in a pond.

Keke (they/them) is a purple monofocaloid who is the de-facto cheerleader of the Gang. Their positive and carefree energy sometimes verges on the chaotic. They are a vagrant, known to sometimes travel with a tea trolley.

Raleigh (they/them) is red, and a classic maintenance model who often falls into something of a maternal role within the Gang. Their somewhat gloomy disposition belies the love they feel for their companions. Lives by themself in a BOX.

Sointu (they/she) is teal, demure, and often full of anxiety, however their empathetic nature often compels them into emotional caretaking. They have successfully written one (1) email to date. Lives by themself in a cute little house.


The Cutebot Calendar by Matthew McGuigan is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International